Monday, January 25, 2010

Story of the Week: Washer Toss

Happy Monday everyone! Here's the scoop on our second event in the Balcum Triathlon, the Washer Toss!! First I'll start out with a bit of history on this event. The Washer Toss has been one of the more difficult events over the years of the triathlon (about eight years we've held this competition). And actually the title holder for 1st place on the Washer Toss have been the girls up front! They have held the championship record for the past seven years! Never underestimate the power of the GIRLS who work at BALCUM!! We are some tough cookies...a force to be reckoned with!
Now there's only one rule to the Washer Toss: You must throw the machine over your head, as far as possible!
You Go Girls!!

Check in next week for the last event of our yearly triathlon; Micro Man!
Have a great week!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Story of the Week!

Greetings and salutations, readers. This weeks's blog is about a competition we're having here at Balcum Appliance.
It's called the Balcum Triathlon, and we have three different competitons. The Washer Toss, The Agitator Ride, and Micro Man. I'll explain the Agitator Ride this week.
Okay so first of all, I just want you readers to be aware that we are trained professionals, and please do not try this at home.
So, for the Agitator Ride, we take a washer that has it's lid taken off, agitator exposed, and we secure a bar stool (prefferably cushioned) to the agitator. Next, the first challenger takes a seat on the stool, and then we throw the machine into spin. The only rule to this game is that you have to hold on as long as you can before being launched off of the stool, and thrown into a big pile of cardboard!
I know that this week the posting was short, but check in next week for the rules on the Washer Toss game. Thanks so much for reading, I hope you have a great Monday!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Story of the Week: The Second Installment of 'The Man in the Washer'

Hello People of the blogging world! We are proud to give you the second installment of 'the man in the washer'.
So as you remember, this man did not give us a phone number, or any way to contact him. We later received this message from him.
"Hullo Balcums, I just wanted to let you know I finally got out of my washer, I'm a little shaken, but I'm just fine...I uh..It was pretty miraculous how I did escape I suppose I'll tell you how I got out of there. Oh and sorry I didn't leave my phone number, I was pretty scared. Anyway, I knew my washer had an air tight seal, so I didn't have much time at all to get out. I had the kids turn the washer on spin cycle first to let some air in. That didn't do anything except make me dizzy. So then I decided to locate where the water pump was, and I stuck my nose in it at first to get some air! Then ( I didn't know these pumps were so flexible)! I put my whole face in there! I thought there was no way I can get out now, my face is stuck in a pump...So I sucked my gut, pushed with all my might and POP! I was outta there! I came up the drain in the sink and wow, heh, you should have seen the look on my kid's face after that!"
Pretty spectacular, eh?
Thus concludes our second instalment about the man in the washer. Please check in next week for our third installment, or maybe even a new story! Have a Happy Monday!

Monday, January 4, 2010

New Series: Story of the Month!

Hello Followers, we are starting a new blog series called 'Story of the Month'.
For our first installment, we introduce you to a man we know of just by the name 'man in a washer'.
Early one Monday morning we discovered a message on our answering machine, the message went something like this:
"Hello...are you the guys that fix washers? I um...I have a little bit of a situation here. I was working on my front loader washer, and I dropped something inside...the kids...they were messing around..and...well..they shut the door. It's locked from the inside and I can't get out! I think this thing has an air tight seal so just call me back, bye."
He didn't leave his name or his phone number...
So check in with us next Monday to find out what happened to the 'man in the washer'!